define what organization the 2 forms are for.

Membership Registration

If you have not paid your dues for a while and need to pay more than just 1 year of dues together, please contact the post to find our how much you owe, then use the Pay Now Button to get caught up.

If you have served at least one day of active military duty since December 7, 1941 and were honorably discharged or you are still serving active military duty honorably, you are eligible for membership with The American Legion.

To Join The American Legion  we need a few things from you:

  1. We need a copy of your DD214; (which you will upload on the membership application form.)
  2. A Completed Membership Application
  3. And your Annual membership dues of $45

Fill out the form below and submit your DD 214. Once that is complete come back here and click the button to pay your annual dues of $45. Once that is complete look for a welcome packet from the American Legion post 9. It will have your membership card, and a few other things to help you understand how the American Legion works, your post leadership, and contact info.

To Transfer your Membership to our post: We also need a few things from you as well:

  1. Please fill out the Membership Record Change Form bellow.
  2. A copy of your DD214 (Which you can upload on the membership Record Change Form)
  3. An officer of our post will reach out to you in regards to your transfer and with information about paying your dues.