About Us

The American Legion is a registered 501 ( c ) 19 Veterans Service organization that was established on March 16, 1919. Post #9 in Brunswick, Ga received their charter on August 23, 1919. We are a very family friendly post. We enjoy seeing families participate in events together and enjoying time with each other and our members. Currently, our post is under the amazing leadership of Commander J. Steven Hinson. We have a Legion Auxiliary for the spouses of Legion members, for veterans and those who can prove they had a past relative in the military. Historically the Auxiliary, was strictly for women but, in 2019 this changed to allow men as well. In addition to the Legion Auxiliary, we also have a squadron of the Sons of American Legion. Both of these organizations support American Legion Post 9 in a myriad of ways with their charity work.

The Commander

American Legion Brunswick post 9 Commander

Steven Hinson

2020 – Present

My name is J. Steven Hinson, and I am currently the Commander of Post 9 in Brunswick. During my time in the Legion, I have held the positions of Historian, Newsletter Editor, Jr-Vice Commander, Sr-Vice Commander, and Chief Cook sometimes.

I was born in Waycross and raised in Brunswick.  My parents were the late Brigadier General Elton F. and Elizabeth Barker Hinson and I have 3 Brothers.  My late wife is the former Mary Linda Gault of Darien.  I have 3 grown children and 2 grandsons.

My military service started in March 1979 when I was a Senior at Glynn Academy. I joined the 224th Combat Communication Squadron on St. Simons Island, Georgia Air National Guard, and I trained in Teletype Maintenance. Later on, the unit was re-designated at the 224th Joint Communication Squadron.  During my 17 years with the unit, I was a Civil Service Technician as a Unit Training Manager, then as an AGR (Active Guard Reserve) in the field of Cryptographic Maintenance. I jumped ship, in a sense, to go to work as a contractor at  Georgia Pacific working for Valmet Automation,  which became Metso Automation.  I was there for 12 years and finally decided to go back to college where I received my degree in Culinary Arts and later became a Certified Chef.

My interests are in Genealogy and Gravestone studies and repairs.  I am a member of several lineage societies.




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The emblem of The American Legion

National American Legion

To learn more about the National American Legion and the programs and services offered to veterans click the emblem above to be directed to the national American Legion website.

To learn more about the services and programs available to Georgia Veterans click the emblem above to be directed to the Department American Legion website.