If you, your Child, Parents, Siblings, Spouse, and/or Grandparents were in the military, you meet the qualifications to join the American Legion Auxiliary. Hit the Button below to find out more about how you can be part of the world's largest Veteran Service Organization.

What we stand for

Mission Statement

In the spirit of service not self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support the American Legion and honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace, and security.

Vision Statement

The vision statement of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support the American Legion while becoming the premier service organization and foundation of every community providing support for our veterans, our military, and their families by shaping a positive future in an atmosphere of fellowship, patriotism, peace and security.


Our statement of values is predicated on the founded purpose:
  • Commitment to the four founded principals: Justice, Freedom, Democracy, and Loyalty
  • Tradition of patriotism and citizenship
  • Personal integrity and family values
  • Respect for the uniqueness of individual members
  • Truthful, open communication in dealing with the public and our members
  • Adherence to the adopted policies and rules


In fulfillment of our mission, the American Legion Auxiliary adheres to the following purposes:
  • To support and advocate for veterans, the military, and their families.
  • To support the initiatives and programs of The American Legion.
  • To foster patriotism and responsible citizenship.
  • To award scholarships and promote quality education and literacy.
  • To provide educational and leadership opportunities that uphold the ideals of freedom and democracy.  The American Legion Auxiliary Unit Guide Book,  encourages good citizenship and patriotism in government.
  • To increase our capacity to deliver our mission by providing volunteer opportunities within our communities.
  • To empower our membership to achieve personal fulfillment through Service Not Self.

 With the cessation of World War I, the Great War, the men and women of the armed forces banded together in The American Legion to carry forward their services to the country in peacetime. It was only natural that the women of their families should desire to continue to serve with them. The result was the American Legion Auxiliary, the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization. The establishment of an Auxiliary to The American Legion was provided for by the first National Convention of The American Legion in 1919. By the time of the 1920 National Convention, 1,342 local units of this Auxiliary had been formed; intensive organizational efforts were authorized. The first National Convention of the Auxiliary was held in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1921. At that time, the name “American Legion Auxiliary” was adopted and the first national officers were elected. The Auxiliary grew from a first-year enrollment of 121,000 to approximately 500,000 at the beginning of WWII. After the women of WWII families became eligible, enrollment rose rapidly to a record of 1,001,545 in 1955. The American Legion Auxiliary is incorporated in and headquartered in the state of Indiana as a nonprofit organization classified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(c)(19) Veterans Service Organization (VSO) because our purpose as an organization is to serve veterans, service members, and their families. The founding purposes of the Auxiliary encompassed rehabilitation of veterans, children & youth activities, community service, disaster relief, peace, and security, which continue today. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit Guide Book, The Auxiliary organization (i.e., local, state, and national) parallels that of The American Legion. Auxiliary National Headquarters is located in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The American Legion Auxilary Emblem

The emblem of the American Legion Auxiliary is our badge of distinction and honor. It stands for God and Country and the highest rights of man. It consists of several parts, and each part has a meaning. The rays of the sun that form the background stand for the American Legion Auxiliary principles of loyalty, justice, freedom, and democracy, and dispelling the darkness of violence, strife, and evil. The unbroken circle of blue represents unity and loyalty. The field of white exemplifies the hope of Freedom. The star of blue is the emblem of service in war; it is no less the emblem of service in times of peace.

Bi-monthly Blood Drive

Every other month the Auxiliary hosts the American Red Cross for a blood drive. The blood drive is held at our post at 4470 HWY 17 N, Brunswick, GA, 31525. Blood is a much needed commodity to help save a life. Do you know anyone who has ever had to have a blood transfusion? Drives like this are where the American Red Cross gets the blood to supply your friend, loved one, or you with the required blood to save your life. So we ask you, will you join us and help save a life?


Check out the upcoming events to see when our next Blood Drive will be.

For more information about the Nation American Legion Auxiliary, and the services and programs available, click the emblem above.

For more information about the Department of Georgia American Legion Auxiliary, and the services and programs available, click the emblem above.